... From a short distance, any object especially one that has aged with time, work and wear radiates a presence
that can be perceived as internal, while at the same time, through its weight, materiality and colour, it allows us to experience it in a very sensual, very
material way. Through this emanation, the space between the objects becomes very real, tactile, and sometimes its presence seems stronger than the
form as with Morandi, for example.
[...] When space takes on this importance, the viewer enters into this intimacy, and then all relationships change, become reversed: a small
world becomes large, sometimes objects become voids in which depths open up: exterior and interior, figure and abstraction are no longer opposed...
Translated from Catalogue text "Le regard et l'objet" 1993 - in "Je suis ce que je vois" -
Alexandre Hollan, ed. érès, 2015.
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